Saturday, 5 November 2011

Time Warp

Well I was walking down the street
Just a having a think,
When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink.

So, I have been quite busy the past few days. Nothing very exciting, but busy nevertheless. Ive had rehearsals and study and classes and all the jazz, all in preparation for the next month! Gah! in less than 2 weeks I have my major audition for a performing arts uni, which just so happens to be on the same day as my birthday...fate maybe? I hope.
Also, due to the unfortunate demise of my trusty Nokia, I am now in possession of the new iPhone! Hoorah! Happy fun times! I was very excited :). So I have been setting that up for the past fews days, getting used to it and all that. I decided to download two gay 'friend finder' apps. Grindr and Manhunt. Well...My innocence just flew out the window! I downloaded Grindr because I wanted to find guys in the area like me, which I have, and manhunt because my friends use it as a social media. There are some really nice people who arent out for sex, sex, sex...but then there are the guys who just seem to like sending you pictures of their dicks. Look, I understand that these apps are used for no strings attached hookups, and I thought I woudl get a few questions askign to meetup, but not dick pics straight up!
I guess that the past few days have been good, because I have been able to progress past the bad part of my crush. I saw him again today, and I stil lhave massive feelings for him, but not soo bad. Which is good. That means that I am slowly becoming uninterested. So really, happy fun time all round! Woo! Almost time to party, party, party!!!!


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