Sunday, 11 December 2011

Not For The Life of Me

I studied all the pictures in magazines and books
I memorized the subway map too
It's one block north to Macy's and two to Brothers Brooks
Manhattan, I prepared for you.

Today I embarked upon a spontaneous trip to the city! Hoorah! The shimmering oasis of shopping, hotels, and historic buildings has certainly not changed. I can say that, I went up their to look for a job, and I didnt find one. So, it was a little bit of a failed mission, however, I got to do a little pre Christmas window shopping, which is always fun :) And I bought myself a book for the train ride home. Cloudstreet by Tim Winton, im only a few chapters in, but I love it.
I also got to go and have a look in Allens, which is a big music store up in Sydney. They have an amazing collection of sheet music. I could easily spend hundreds of dollars in there. I found lots of splendiforous show books, stuff that you cant usually get in Australia, but Allens has it all! What I also love soo much about Allens is its building. Weird huh, but its the grand old building, one thats been there for decades. I guess thats what I love soo much about Melbourne, they have kept most of their old buildings, where Sydney just either knocks them down or leaves them to rot.
I also, oddly, ran into 'Hot Jazz Singer' while I was frolicking around the city. He was completely rude to me, and now I am turned off him entirely. I guess that means im back to being solely enthralled by 'The Prince'. It was really eye openning though. We have had such nice conversations through messages, and then when we meet he turns into a complete dick. Ahh well, I have been warned about him before. I will just have to learn to take others advice.
On a depressing note (well depressing for me, happy for them). There was a really cute gay couple on the train coming home. They were snuggled up to eachother, and having nice little conversations. It was exactly what I yearn for! They were also really, REALLY attractive, and about my age, which did surprise me a little, becasue ive never seen someoen my age be so romantic. Just the way they sat and talked and their gestures. Haha, I sound a little bi tlike a stalker, but they held my attention. Lets just say that I didnt get through much of my book on the train haha.
Someday I will live in the city, perform on its stages, sleep in the clouds. Its always been my friend and my dream to live together in a penthouse in Sydney, preferably overlooking Hyde park, but any will really do haha. One of those amazing ones that has its own pool, and beautiful views. Ahh dreams.


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