Monday, 16 January 2012


It's that little flame,
That lights a fire
Under your ass.
It keeps you going strong,
Like a car with a full
Tank of gas.

Ive kinda just realised what is holding me back. Why I am soo incredibly unmotivated, and why I have just been lying around the house! I am lacking purpose.
I feel that the past few weeks have been a total waste! I even have the feeling that the week to come will be the same! What is wrong with me! I need to get into action! I need to start exercising again. I need to start singing again Yesterday was the first time in months that I have sung!...I need to start getting my act together and looking for a new Price Charming! What is this?! Im lonely. Im sick of organising everything, it kinda feels like if I want to see a friend, I always have to organise it! Why cant people ask me to do things? It makes me feel like my relationship with my friends isnt a two way street. Im just sulking. And im sick of waiting. Im STILL waiting for my Uni offers, they come in a few days. I want to live! I need a purpose!
Last year my purpose was to do the best possible audition for my performing arts uni. Well I did that, sure it wasnt enough, but I never expected to get in last year. I need more this year. I need something to push me. To make me get in the pool each day, to make me sing each day, to make me get out of the house! haha. I can tell you now, I havent been out of the house all day. Some people may say that it sounds like a nice restful day, but ive rested enough, ive rested for the past month!
Im also a little jealous. Remember 'Hot Jazz Singer'? Yes, the rude one. Well, he has just got together with one of my dancer friends. I dont know if im jealous of the people, or just the fact that they are in a relationship. My dancer friend, who is amazing, and he is going to go a very long way, and I kinda almost had a thing. haha, sounds stupid, but he was slowly getting past my shyness. Actually, they are one amazing performing arts couple haha, that is soo depressing. For me I mean, haha.
Ahh well! I guess I just have to try harder. But its already soo hard to find someone!
Purpose! I need purpose! I need inspiration and a pull in the right direction.


  1. Sounds like you need to get spontaneous leave the house and just flip a coin to decided what direction you're going to head that night and when you past somewhere you have never been flip the coin to see if you head in or keep walking its a great way to meet new people and try new things

    1. Wow, I really like this idea! i may have to try that. Thanks :)

    2. Wow love that idea as well, you also got to remember never turn down an opportunity, even if you think you won’t like it, experience is experience and while your young you have sooooooooo much to see and do, so live life
