Sunday, 16 October 2011


Am I not sensitive,
Clever, Well-mannered, Considerate,
Passionate,Charming, As kind as I'm handsome
And heir to a throne?

Arrogance is the bain of the performing arts. I have just spent the last two days rehearsing for a huge show happening soon, which showcases some of the states younger performing talent. The whole experience has been ruined for me by a certain individual. Although, I must admit I was somewhat preparing myself for this person, as he goes to my school.
His ego is enormous, and he has a pompous and self centered 'air' around him. The worst part is that he does it in an unusual fashion. He isnt completely in your face with 'Oh I can do this and that', he is more like, 'Oh yeah thats sooo cool, I remember when I did that'(using that typical gay slurr) chuckling grosely. What makes it worse is that he prances about, doing dance moves, while singing songs that show off his voice, just when walking around in a casual setting. Sure, he is very talented, his range is amazing! But I just dont see how people cant see through his ego. He also has three solos in the show, which dont help the situation.
Meanwhile, there are all these other amazing people around him, and I just wish they knew what he was like. Well really I just want them to notice me, because frankly, im not going to flit about singing songs to make friends, and im especially not going to suck up to anyone! Oh well, hopefully they see me soon. My stupid shy side appears waaay too often at these rehearsals.
Theres also this amazing boy there, who I would really just love to notice me. He is a Prince Charming. Literally, he is doing the Prince Charming duet from 'Enchanted'. He's so incredible, he has already done professional productions and his only my age! Another positive is his hot! with an hot buff body to match. Gah! Dreams...

I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss
And a prince I'm hoping comes with this,
That's what brings everaftering so happy.

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