Thursday, 20 October 2011

We Can Do It

We can do it, we can do it,
We can make our dreams come true
Everything you've ever wanted
Is just waiting to be had!

So ive decided that the HSC is a time of an incredibly large amount of boring! Which doesnt hlep my blog out very much, because it means im not doing anything worth blogging! In approximately 1 week I will have finished my two major exams, and in 3 weeks, I will be completely finished! This means that in about 3 weeks, I will be able to let my hair down, and finally start attending parties, and functions, and outings again!!!
Oh the joy of the thought...although...I will still be bunkered down by my big Sydney performance, and by my auditions, however, surely I can have a little bit of a party. Even just a gathering in Sydney, Gah, it feels like forever since ive seen my Sydney friends. I usually go up for a few days every holidays, but I couldnt in the last ones because of exams and rehearsals. Oh well, when everything is finished, I will be a happy free man.
The prospect of University is a little scary. If I get into the performing arts Uni I want, then I will be moving over to Perth, but if I dont, and I get into one of my other choices, its up to Sydney I go! Back to the land of life! Ive actually been looking at work around Sydney, just a part time job that I can enjoy during my studies. Something much different from my current Pharmacy job. Im thinking of working in luxury fashion, there have been a few part time jobs available, so maybe give those a try in the near future.
I seemed to have done a pretty good job at talking about nothing, I will try and think of something else to say for later.

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