Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Now nothing feels the way it was before
And I don't know how to proceed.
I only know I'm meant for something more
I've got to know if I can be

Well, after my particularly heavy post below, I thought I would have a little pick me up post. A short happy, and somewhat light hearted post! The key to happiness is smiling :)
So even though I am sitting here alone, rain pouring down outside, and I may have just gone through a spontaneous sad moment. I now am moving on. Closing the gates  in my mind, and thinking happy!
This song is stunning, it is kind of an anthem for me. Something that inspires me to keep fighting for what I want. All my obstacles have just made me stronger! So hopefully the future will just be a happy fun time, considering all that ive faced while ive been young.
I really feel like partying, but I have my HUGELY HUGE exam in two days, so I need to have a clear mind. Wow, ive really felt like partying for a while now, so unlike me. I guess I just always want what I cant have.

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